söndag 31 mars 2013

Etude House Etoinette

So my first (second?) blogentry is going to be about Etude House's makeup line Etoinette! 

I'm not a makeup n00b, but I haven't heard of this line before! (Maybe because either Bubzbeauty or Michelle Phan have mentioned it.) However, the line is super cute, but you already knew that! 

I've heard other people talk about it being very pricey for what you get and basically you get a very cute packaging with a little average makeup... but honestly now; I don't find it that pricey. And it's not because I'm rich or anything, it's because I live in Sweden where all the makeup costs almost all the time at least twice as much as the regular price overboard! Everything here is ridiculously overpriced so for me, if I can get a really cute (reusable!) packaging with some average (which for me may as well be really good considering the competition here in Sweden) makeup for a normal price then I think it's a great deal!

I'm considering the Heart Blusher in pink. I don't have any blush in pink yet because I am varm toned and have fairly fair skin so I don't think it would suit me. But I have thought about getting one for the days when I feel very girly. So why not the Heart Blusher from the Etoinette line? I thought. The packaging is really cute and it is reusable when the hearts run out. My problem then is that it does not have a strainer which would make it more reusable for my mineral makeup and that it is shallow, so if I were to use it to store my jewelries then it would only be able to store very few of them (and I don't really have that much jewelry...). But that is a "problem" for later! ^_^ 

I am also thinking about getting the Crystal Powder from the same line. Mostly for the cute packaging so that I would have a set of two Etoinette cups, one white and one pink, if I am really honest... But I don't know... This cup actually have a strainer in it which would help a lot if I were to use it for my mineral makeup.  But what is holding me back is that I have yet to read a review with someone liking the glitter and saying that the glitter is not overwhelming and if I buy it anyway it would only be because of the cute packaging. Eventhough I don't find it expensive, I am not made out of money either!

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